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The Crochet and Knitting Group

We started this group several years ago for those who like to crochet and knit.

This group started out with the idea of getting together and doing something for the community. After discussion we decided to start making hats and scarfs for children

for the winter, focusing on toddlers, juniors and then older children.


This year as our goal, we decided to make 100 scarfs and hats for the children also in the surrounding communities.


We also make...

Hats for Samaritan Christmas boxes.


Prayer shawls for women and Lap blankets for men.


These are given to anyone the Pastor visits with,

who are sick, or just needed to know someone cared.

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This group is eight strong and would welcome anyone to join our group!

If you want to learn how to crochet or knit please come. This is not just for members of the local church

but anyone who would like to be apart of this ministry.


We meet every Monday at 1 PM until 2:30 PM at the Ruritan Building in Capon Bridge.

We only meet once a month during summer break.


If you can't make it to the group classes and would like to help at home,

let us know and we will give you instructions and yarn.

The yarn is supplied by local people donating or purchasing as a group.


We are now making crochet animals to be given to the Fire Department and Rescue Squad

when children are scared or hurt. 



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